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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Hours and Information 


I don't see my question here, what do i do?

You can give us a call if you need any clarification or have questions regarding our practices. 

Do I have to submit a cut sheet for each animal?

You can give us a call if you need any clarification or have questions regarding our practices. 

I'm selling this animal, what do I need to know?

If you are selling the animal you are submitting to be processed to someone else, please make the recipient of the product aware of our pick up policies. We are unable to accommodate for lack of communication on behalf of either the recipient or seller. 

I'm not sure if I received all my meat, can you help?

An article titled: Did the Butcher Steal my Meat may help alleviate some of your worry. If you still have questions, please call us. 



We are available to take calls between 7:00 am - 5:00 p.m.
Please leave a voicemail if reached. 

phone, email, address


4687 East Road
Angelica, NY 14709

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